Your NDIS expert

Art therapy

I know we’re not supposed to have favourites, but art therapy holds a special place in my heart. I think colour, movement, and free self-expression can be good for the soul and a wonderful way to communicate when words fail. And that’s not even considering the emotional and physical benefits of getting your ‘art on’.

Let's delve into how art therapy can align with NDIS goals for participants and their families:

1. Emotional Expression: Can't find the words? No worries. Art therapy lets those feelings, both the sparkly and the murky, flow onto the canvas. It’s as if the paintbrush does the talking, and every colour chosen shares a piece of the story.

2. Stress Melter: Got a lot on your plate? Time to pull out the pastels and let them drift on paper. Art is a beautiful escape that can dial down stress and anxiety. Like diving into a world where troubles can be brushed away, at least for a while.

3. Journey Within: Art isn't just about making pretty things. It’s also a ticket to self-exploration. Every piece crafted brings new insights about oneself, like flipping through a visual diary of experiences.

4. A New Language: For those who might be trekking through the challenge of communication, art becomes their voice. It’s a fresh, powerful way to share desires, hopes, or even little niggles and fears with the world.

5. Building Emotional Tools: Life’s a roller coaster, right? Art therapy can be like the safety bar on the ride, offering coping techniques and resilience. It’s all about prepping the toolkit for when the loops and turns come.

6. Boosting Confidence: Oh, the thrill of creating! Every artwork is a pat on the back, a little reminder of the talent within. It's incredible how much self-esteem can grow from seeing one's imagination come to life.

7. Social Butterflies: Art isn’t always a solo gig. Group sessions can be a hive of interaction, helping individuals brush up on their social skills and feel part of a buzzing community.

8. Fine-Tuning the Motors: From pencil grips to broad paint strokes, art hones both fine and gross motor skills. It’s like a fun gym session for hands and fingers!

9. Sensory Harmony: For some, the world can feel a tad overwhelming. Art therapy can be a bridge, helping in regulating sensory inputs, making the world feel just right.

10. Laser Focus: Dive deep into a project, and watch concentration levels soar. For those who might find their minds wandering, art can be a grounding anchor.

11.Bright Spot in the Grey: Life throws curveballs, and art can be that sunny patch on a cloudy day, especially for those navigating pain or challenging times. It’s a beacon of positivity and a delightful distraction.

Art therapy is like unspooling a rainbow thread that ties together emotion, expression, and growth. And here's the cherry on top: the NDIS recognises its magic. If the stars align with your goals, the sessions could be funded, letting the colours flow even brighter.

While I've put my heart into aligning these tips with your NDIS path, the road can have its twists. Remember, these are just suggestions. Dive in, explore, and find what truly works for you. Sending you all my best vibes!

You're the best judge of whether this service fits your child's goals or not.