Your NDIS expert

Recovery Coaching

I’ve heard our journey described as the “scenic road”. It can be longer and bumpier and with more twists and turns than we might have expected. The thing about travelling a scenic road is it helps to have a navigator, someone who can help to soften the blows, make sense of things that don’t make sense and just, well, listen. That’s what psychosocial recovery coaches offer. It’s their job to help your child cope and thrive!

Let’s delve a little deeper and chat about how recovery coaching can be linked to your NDIS goals;

1. Chasing Those Recovery Dreams: Together with you, they'll jot down those recovery goals, big or small. Whether that's feeling better in your own skin, securing that cosy home, or forging bonds that last.

2. Coping Game Strong: Life's pressures getting a tad heavy? They'll weave together strategies to lift that weight off your shoulders.

3. Life's Toolkit: From mastering a killer spaghetti bolognese recipe to keeping those dollars in check, they're there to pass on the tricks of the trade.

4. Your Link to The Right Help: Navigating the mental health maze? They’ve got the map, linking you up with the right therapists, support groups, or services.

5. A Day Well-Planned: Getting up and facing the day can sometimes be the real challenge. With their help, a routine's crafted to make each sunrise that bit easier.

6. Deciphering the NDIS: Those NDIS documents got you scratching your head? They're your decoder, ensuring you're making the most out of your plan.

7. Find Your Tribe: We all need our crew, right? They'll be your wingman, helping you dive into community activities or find groups where shared stories spark friendships.

8. Your Appointment Buddy: Whether it's that daunting doctor visit or a new group session, they're just a call away to join you and give that moral boost.

9. Peace-Maker Extraordinaire: Rough patch with someone close? They've got that knack for smoothing things over, guiding you through those tough convos.

10. Dear Diary Moments: They might introduce you to the world of journaling. It’s less ‘Dear Diary’ and more ‘Today, I Conquered…’

It's like having a trusted mate by your side on this scenic road, pointing out the landmarks, offering a tissue when the journey gets teary, and celebrating every win. With a psychosocial recovery coach, every step, no matter how small, is one step closer to where you want to be.

While I've put my heart into aligning these tips with your NDIS path, the road can have its twists. Remember, these are just suggestions. Dive in, explore, and find what truly works for you. Sending you all my best vibes!

You're the best judge of whether this service fits your child's goals or not.