Your NDIS expert

Specialist support coordination

As I get older, I’ve gotten better at asking for and accepting help. This parenting gig is tough! I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that. And the NDIS is not exactly a walk in the park, especially if your child has significant and complex support needs. But help is there. They’re called specialist support coordinators. It’s the job of these guys to help you and your child make choices, set goals, put plans in place, and connect with the right services and support. Kind of like your very own NDIS fairy godmother. Who could say no to that?

Let’s delve a little deeper into how specialist support coordination can link up with NDIS goals;

1. Dealing with the Complex: Got an NDIS plan that feels like it's written in another language? Your specialist support coordinator is your translator, managing the maze of services, funding, and coordination like a champ.

2. Connecting with the Best: For those unique services, think intensive therapies or that rare medical treatment, they’ve got the right contacts in their little black book.

3. Guidance for Behavioural Challenges: If there are behaviours that are proving tough, they’re on hand to develop solid plans to make things smoother.

4. Standing Up For You: They’re your champion, advocating in those tricky situations when disagreements pop up with your NDIS plan.

5. Your Crisis Guardian: In those 'red alert' moments, you've got a steady hand guiding the ship, ensuring you're safe and sound.

6. Building You Up: It's not just about getting services; it's about making you a pro in managing your own NDIS journey, and they're there every step of the way.

7. Mastering the Multitasking: Health, housing, other services? They've got the map and the know-how to steer you through all these systems without breaking a sweat.

8. Transitioning with Ease: Whether it's a move to a new home setting or any other life change, they're your go-to to make the journey smooth.

9. Backing Up Your Back-Up: Families and carers, they haven’t forgotten you. They're on hand to guide and support when those care arrangements get a tad complex.

10. Crafting Perfect Plans: It's about you, and they get it. So, they’ll whip up plans that truly mirror your goals, dreams, and those occasional challenges.

Remember, the NDIS journey is unique for everyone. But with a specialist support coordinator, you're not trekking it alone. They’re the compass, the guide, and the reassuring pat on the back all in one.

While I've put my heart into aligning these tips with your NDIS path, the road can have its twists. Remember, these are just suggestions. Dive in, explore, and find what truly works for you. Sending you all my best vibes!

You're the best judge of whether this service fits your child's goals or not.