Your NDIS expert

Therapy reports

Imagine your NDIS journey as a road trip and the checklist as your trusty map. Just like a map helps you navigate, a checklist for NDIS reports keeps you on the right track. It's a tool that helps you and your support team stay on the same page, ensuring that all the essential stuff is covered. A checklist for your therapy reports ensures nothing important is missed, making your NDIS experience smoother and more empowering.

This checklist helps you organise, review, and ensure your therapy reports are in check.

It's All About You:

  • First things first, check that your name and NDIS number are spot-on in the report. 

 About your therapist:

  • Take a look at your therapist's info. Is their name, job title, contact details, and provider number all there? They're the ones helping you, so let's make sure you know who they are.

Your Privacy Matters:

  • Make sure you're comfortable with the assessment. Confirm that you've given your thumbs-up and that they're respecting your privacy. Your comfort is important!

Back to Basics:

  • Ensure they've got your disability details right – when it started, what it's all about, and your medical history. After all, you're the expert on your own story!

Your Therapy Details:

  • How often do you see your therapist? Is it like a weekly catch-up or a monthly meeting? And, how long do those sessions last – a quick hour or a bit longer?

Show Me the Proof:

  • Let's see some evidence of your progress. Look for real-life examples in the report that show you're getting closer to your goals. It's like finding little victory badges along the way.

Tools and Methods Explained:

  • If they used any fancy tools or methods during the assessment, check if the report explains what they are. No need for secret code-breakers!

Demystify the Scores:

  • Scores are interesting, but what do they mean for you? Make sure the report not only shows scores but also explains them in everyday language. No need for a math degree here!

How It Affects Your Life:

  • Your disability is a part of your life's story. Ensure the report talks about how it affects your daily life – work, study, hanging out with friends – everything that makes you, you.

Goals and Advice:

  • Your goals are like guiding stars for your journey. Make sure they're in there. And the advice they give you? It should be clear, evidence-based, and approved by the NDIS. 

What's New?:

  • Have your needs changed since the last time? Check if there are new goals or objectives in the report based on your progress. 

What Could Go Wrong?:

  • Find out if the report talks about what might not go so well if you don't get the support they recommend. It's like a sneak peek into the future, so you can prepare.

Gadgets and Gizmos:

  • Anything about cool gadgets or technology? Look for any new equipment or tech that could make your life easier or more awesome.]

What's the Plan, Stan?:

  • Let's talk about what comes next. See if the report tells you what's up for your therapy supports in the future.

Extra Papers and Proof:

  • Check if there are any bonus documents, like past reports or medical stuff. They might even mention where they got their info.

Easy on the Eyes:

  • The report should be a breeze to read with page numbers and all the right signatures and dates. No need to decipher hieroglyphics!

Need Some Clarity? Ask!

  • If anything sounds like mumbo-jumbo, don't hesitate to ask your therapist to break it down for you. You can also chat with your support coordinator or local area coordinator for a helping hand. Remember, there's no such thing as a silly question!

One Story, One Message:

  • Let's keep it consistent! Make sure this report matches the others you have. Your story should be told the same way every time, like your favourite bedtime tale.
You're the best judge of whether this service fits your child's goals or not.