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Vision aids

Vision aids are tools and devices designed to assist people who have visual impairments or blindness. These aids are tools that make it easier for individuals to see, read, and navigate their surroundings.

Adequate vision is crucial for independence and participation in daily life.

Here is how vision aids can be used within the NDIS;

  • Reading and Writing: Magnifiers and handheld electronic devices can enlarge text, making it easier for people with visual impairments to read books, documents, or even smartphone screens. It's like having a portable library in your pocket.
  • Braille Devices: Braille displays and notetakers allow individuals who are blind to read and write in Braille, which is a tactile writing system. These devices can be a lifeline for accessing written information independently.
  • Orientation and Mobility: Canes with sensors or tips that detect obstacles help people with visual impairments safely navigate their environment. They're like a trusty guide that helps you move around confidently.
  • Talking Watches and Clocks: These watches announce the time audibly, making it possible for individuals with visual impairments to keep track of appointments, catch buses, or just know what time it is.
  • Electronic Magnifiers: These devices can enlarge text and images on a screen, making it easier for people with low vision to read labels, newspapers, or product packaging.
  • Screen Reading Software: Software programs that read out loud the text displayed on a computer screen. This enables people with visual impairments to use computers and access online information
  • Audio Description Services: For movies and TV shows, audio description services provide spoken narration of visual elements, enabling individuals with visual impairments to follow the storyline and understand what's happening on the screen.
  • Tactile Graphics: Raised-line drawings and tactile diagrams help convey information through touch. These are often used in educational settings to make graphs, charts, and maps accessible.
  • Large Print Books: Large print books have larger and more readable text, making them accessible to individuals with low vision. They're like regular books, but with text that's easier to see.
  • Voice-Activated Assistants: Devices like smart speakers (e.g., Amazon Echo or Google Home) can assist with tasks like setting reminders, checking the weather, or answering questions through voice commands, benefiting people with visual impairments.

Vision aids are like trusty companions that make the world more accessible for people with visual impairments. The NDIS ensures that those who need vision aids can access them, enhancing their daily lives and supporting their independence and participation in society.

You're the best judge of whether this service fits your child's goals or not.